Open Data
What is Open Data?
We are committed to publishing as much information and data as we can, free of charge. This Open Data area has been created to help us to:
- Increase openness and transparency.
- Make the data we hold freely available online (subject to the Data Protection Act).
- Encourage the public to interact with and use the data that is available.
- Publish data in a machine readable format so that is can be re-used.
We publish various categories of information for you to download and reuse in line with the conditions laid out in the Open Government Licence. To access the information click on the category on the tab under Open Data on the menu bar above.
Categories of Information
Expenditure over £500
Senior Management Salaries
Staff structure
Councillor allowances and expense
Council Contracts
Council land and building assets
Access to Information
Data Protection
Where we handle personal information about individuals we have a number of legal obligations to protect that information under the Data Protection Act 2018 and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. We are registered as a data handler with the Information Commissioner's Office. (Registration reference Z7397741). All queries should be directed to the Clerk to the Council.